Check out our new creature feature
We’re looking for members of our park community to help us keep track of the wildlife that calls it home, so the Quorum Park app is evolving!
Every year the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) encourages the public to help it understand the species that inhabit our beautiful British Isles by taking part in the world’s biggest garden wildlife survey – the Big Garden Birdwatch.
Since it began in 1979, more than 172 million birds have been counted by avid twitchers around the country, supporting the RSPB to track and understand the increases and declines that have taken place over the years, and the potential reasons for them. This enables the organisation to monitor and take steps to support any species that may be in decline, and therefore to protect our avian eco-system.
At Quorum Park, we’ve taken inspiration from the idea and have created our very own Wildlife Sighting Species Log.
This simple form, which is available online and in the Quorum Park app, allows anyone that spots a critter of any kind to record it for us, or to tell us if they see a creature that’s not already known to us on site.
Over the years we've enjoyed a whole array of wildlife sightings, so the form has been pre-populated with the types of animal we’re already aware of, namely birds, mammals, amphibians, insects and invertebrates. It will also record when and exactly where on site the observation took place.
Quick to fill in, and available on the move, you will be also be able to record multiples of the same group of animals (multiple mammals for example), but if you want to record more than one group, such as a bird and an insect, you’ll need to submit a new form for each.
And on the last Tuesday of each month, our allotment and community garden group members will be taking a wildlife log too, with results published on our website.
Laura McGrath, our Sustainability and Community Director said: “Our animal neighbours are some of the most important members of our Quorum Park community, and it’s been concerning for us to note over recent years reports of decreases in our national biodiversity, so we thought we’d begin to formally record what’s going on across the site – with the help and support of all the individuals that work here – to fully understand the picture on the park.
“As well as bringing you that beautiful moment of joy, when you do spot a creature on your way to and from the bus stop, or when you’re out on lunch, it would really mean a lot to us if you’d spend a couple of minutes letting us know.
“Our Wildlife Sighting Species Log will evolve over time, with new options added as we begin to include animals we’re not currently aware of as new sightings take place. We’re really excited to learn what people see, and we hope you are too.”
To use the form, simply visit the Quorum Park app or fill it in online. And for even more park news, you can follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn or on Instagram.