Getting to know – Hannah Walker
At Quorum, we have a dedicated and talented team who work hard all year round to make the Park an engaging and attractive place to work. In our ‘Getting to Know’ series, we are finding out about their interests & the roles they play as part of the Quorum team.
Hannah, please tell us about the role you play within the Quorum team.
At Quorum I am the Q11 Building Host and part of The Hub team. I am responsible for the general smooth running of the Q11 building, which includes managing the meeting rooms and the breakout spaces.
What roles did you have prior to joining the Quorum team?
Before joining The Hub Team at Quorum, I worked in nurseries for 8 years. I thoroughly enjoyed this career, but after 8 years, I felt like it was time for a change.
When did you start working at Quorum?
October 2021
What do you enjoy most about your role at Quorum?
My favourite part about working at Quorum is that every day is different. I have never had two days the same and each day is always full of surprises.
What makes Quorum a special place to work?
Quorum is a special place to work as it has a real community vibe and is full of opportunities.
What will be keeping you busy in the coming months?
I have recently taken over some of Quorum’s social media, such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok. So, I will continue to get my head around the business social media world.
What has been your most memorable day whilst working at Quorum?
That would have to be the ‘Doggy Disco’ we held last year. An event filled with dogs was right up my street.
Tell us something about Quorum that we may not know?
Do you know we rent out Quorum branded pool bikes for a returnable deposit of £30 for the month, to Quorum Park staff! It’s a great way to commute to work, especially if your journey is not too long and it’s a sunny day!
What gets you out of bed on a morning?
Our dog Archie! Haha! Although Archie does enjoy waking us up in the morning, the reason I get out of bed every morning is because everyday is a new day. And a new day can be filled with so much potential.
What’s the one piece of advice you will pass on to your children.
Everything happens for a reason. Don’t dwell on the past, don’t waste your time worrying about things out of your control, what will be will be.
What keeps you busy when you are not working at Quorum?
My fiancé and I are expecting our first baby in October 2023, so at the moment our weekends are filled with baby shopping, preparing the house and adjusting to our new life as soon to be parents.
What does relaxation look like for you?
Relaxation for me is walking along an empty beach with my partner and our Labrador Archie. We do this as often as we can as the beach is Archie’s favourite place to be.
What was the last book you read?
I couldn’t tell you what the last book I read was, as when I’m on a roll I fly through them, but I do enjoy reading books by the author Cathy Glass, who also writes under the name Lisa Stone. Both collections of books are a good read.